Westport Condos樓花隆重推出 (VIP限時優惠)
Westport Condos樓花隆重推出(手握價格和戶型圖)
-密市湖边,紧邻Port Credit Go Station
開發商:Edenshaw Developments
地址:28 Ann St, Mississauga(密西沙加市安街28號)-Port Credit Go Station
最近的交叉路口(main location):Hurontario St和Lakeshore Rd E
樓層/套房:22層/ 359個套房
定價:從$ 50万加元起
停車位:$ 55,000 (VIP discount $10,000)+ HST(*僅適用面積超過560平方英尺套房)
管理費:約$ 0.55 /平方英尺(不包括水電)
付款方式:簽名時為$5,000,30天再交5%減去$5,000;2021年1月31日交2.5%; 2021年6月30日交2.5%;2022年1月31日到期交2.5%;2022年6月30日交2.5%, 交房时(Occupancy)5%
戶型圖 (Floor Plan):https://www.dropbox.com/s/8kbiofznic2w0d7/West%20Port-FloorPlans.pdf?dl=0
套房飾面:Westport系列中9英尺的光滑飾面天花板(2-13樓)。 Westport上層系列(14至22樓)的10英尺光滑飾面天花板,強化地板,石材廚房檯面,不銹鋼廚房用具,堆疊式洗衣機和烘乾機等
宣傳冊 (Brochure): https://www.dropbox.com/s/12701vhgwydik7i/BrochureWestport.pdf?dl=0
Westport Condos Highlights:
Has a walkscore of 86/100: walkable EVERYWHERE
2 minute walk to the Port Credit GO Station
7 minute walk to the Port Credit Arena
Walking distance to the Port Credit Harbour Marina
Close access to the highway QEW
13 Minutes to Mississauga’s City Centre
Close to the future Mississauga LRT (Light Rail Transit)
Short commute to Downtown Toronto
Close to shops, restaurants and schools
Many nearby public transportation options
Nearby parks include Spruce Park, Saint Lawrence Park and Port Credit Memorial Park